Neuro-Engineering Workshop with EEG-focused Brainstorm Training 2020

Abhishek Prasad, PhD

Abhishek Prasad, PhD

Assistant Professor

Abhishek Prasad received his M.S. in Biomedical Engineering from Louisiana Tech University and Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from the New Jersey Institute of Technology and University of Medicine and Dentistry in NJ. He is currently an Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at the University of Miami. The goal of his Neural Interfaces Lab is to develop brain and spinal cord machine interfaces to restore communication and control in paralyzed individuals. The lab is also involved in neural probe development by understanding and mitigating various material and biological failure mechanisms in neural electrode failure.


Talk Title: 

EEG brain computer interface-functional electrical stimulation (BCI-FES) for hand functions in spinal cord injury


In the United States, there are over 33,000 people living with complete tetraplegia due to a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). Restoration of hand and arm function is ranked as the highest priority for people living with complete tetraplegia, because it would offer greater independence and improved quality of life. Activation of paralyzed hand muscles by functional electrical stimulation (FES) has been shown to restore control following complete spinal cord injury (SCI). A variety of control signals have been used, but most require head or arm movements, which may interfere with activities of daily living. Alternatively, natural signals from the brain can be used for control. In this study, subjects with chronic (>1 year post-injury) C5/C6 motor-complete SCI control a brain-controlled functional electrical stimulation system for grasp and release. Through these studies, we seek to create a BCI-FES as an assistive system for tetraplegics and study neuroplastic changes that may occur during BCI usage.